Cornflower Petals

FROM ā‚¬46.45 ā‚¬38.71
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Bright blue petals. Extremely decorative.
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Extended Information Centaurea cyanus
Once a common sight growing wild in our fields, the cornflower is loved for its bright blue flowers. Today it is usually cultivated purposefully in gardens, rather than being found wild. Although largely ignored by modern herbalism, it has a long history of use to soothe the skin, and in particular the skin around the eyes, due to its astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. In beauty preparations for the hair, it is also said to help darken fair or grey hair. These bright blue flower petals are extremely decorative and can be used in a variety of ways including in hand made papers, but from our point-of-view we like them to include in bath bombs and creamers, to press onto the surface of soaps for decoration and for inclusion in pot pourri.
MSDS (169.10 kB)
CoA - B2138 (129.60 kB)
Dried botanicals are natural products. The Soap Kitchen cannot guarantee that these Goods will not at a later date be subject to insect infestation, unless specifically treated. Even after treatments, treated goods can be subject to re-infestation if incorrectly stored. Untreated seeds, herbs, spices and flowers in any form, treated with approved chemical fumigants, are still susceptible to possible infestation as insect eggs are not destroyed by current chemical fumigants. Store in cool dry conditions, out of direct sunlight, and free from infestation and ingress of moisture.
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